
* 4th World Congress on Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME 2017)

[The key goals of this congress are to convene stakeholders from across all areas of modeling and simulation, experimental specialization, and design, as well as from across academia, government, and industry, to address integrated computational materials engineering (ICME) tools and techniques and their integration, as well as to examine their application in engineering.]

* 18th International Conference on Environmental Degradation of Materials in Nuclear Power Systems ? Water Reactors

[The purpose of the Environmental Degradation of Materials Conference series is to foster an exchange of ideas about such problems and their remedies in water-cooled nuclear power plants of today and the future.]


*2017 International Nickel-Cobalt Symposium (Nickel-Cobalt 2017)

[Nickel-Cobalt 2017, co-organized by TMS and the Metallurgy and Materials Society (MetSoc) of CIM, will feature Hydrometallurgy & Pyrometallurgy themes (processing of nickel and cobalt ores, concentrates and mattes, recovery of valuable by-products, PGMs, pyrometallurgical treatment of ores, concentrates, and other materials. ]